Student Olive Support (S.0.S) is a divine intervention project for the less privileged students called HIPO Group (i.e. Harassed; Indigent; Physically Challenged; Orphans)...
The misfortune of a nation is usually an indices of many factors; some of these are: Unfaithful Leadership, Passive Citizenry, Bad Economy and Internal Disharmony...
(ANCHOR) is a rehabilitation project geared to re-integrate Participants back to school by inculcating in them behavioral/attitudinal changes and empowerment training..
The goal of CEPRO Training Project is to raise and equip the Lord's army for the enthronement of divine peace in the Education Sector. The end of....
Prayer is the PIVOT of the Campus Peace Labour. The Lord has been faithful to us in this School Peace work over the years, we therefore must not
Reach out. We can work with you to deliver a custom project that is unique and personalized to meet your specific organizational or personal needs.