1. To identify students who have tendency to engage in vices through exhibition of youthful exuberance, traces of broken home, and the like.
2. To offer appropriate counsel to renouncees of Campus Vices on steps to take after confession.
3. To enlist students found culpable for appropriate Campus Peace follow up programme.
4. To equip students with appropriate resources that will make them elicit characters that portend attitudinal change.
PARTICIPANTS: Fresh Students and/or Returning Students
Prayer is the PIVOT of the Campus Peace Labour. The Lord has been faithful to us in this School Peace work over the years, we therefore must not take God’s grace for granted. All CEPRO Brethren, Partners and other School Peace Burden Bearers are to participate in the Prayer Project as follows:
DAILY INTERCESSION – Join a Prayer Chain by choosing any of the week days
WEEKLY INTERCESSION – Vigils hold weekly in various towns.
MONTHLY INTERCESSION – CEPRO runs four (4) Prayer Squads on Monthly Basis
ANNUAL INTERCESSION – The Centre mobilizes all brethren from among Stakeholders to be part of the all year round Prayer Project.
PRAYER MANUAL – Prayer Manual containing Daily Intercessory Prayers, Scriptures, and Personal Prophetic Declarations as well as other school peace resources are made available to all participants. Contact any of the Leaders listed in this manual for details.