One of the seven objectives of CEPRO is to partner with individuals and groups for the establishment and promotion of peace in the educational institutions. In order to fulfil this divine mandate, CEPRO extends hands of fellowship to families that may wish to partner with her on Campus Peace labour.
Focus: To establish a workable partnership on Campus Peace labour between CEPRO and Families for the following purposes
1. To create a conducive atmosphere for the family to contribute to the promotion of Peace at all school levels
2. To enable member families access and benefit liberally from Campus Peace Support Services available in CEPRO
3. To collaborate with member families to ensure that their children/wards run smooth and peaceful academic sessions at all levels of their education.
The Centre for Peace Promotion in Educational Institutions (CEPRO) has rolled out a number of Projects to foster Corporate Partnership. CEPRO does not charge any fee for her services; however, the Centre shall endorse an appropriate Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Partnering Institution on the implementation of the Campus Peace Projects as may be approved by the school authority.
Focus: To establish a workable and enduring partnership between CEPRO and the prospective partner on Campus Peace.
1. To utilize available resources, as well as generate new ones for the promotion of peace in the partnering organisation.
2. To enable the partnering organisation benefit liberally from the Campus Peace Projects listed in this proposal and have access to other aids that may be channelled through CEPRO.
3. To ensure that the partnering organisation partakes in the Campus Peace support services to run smooth and peaceful academic sessions.
4. To create consciousness in all stakeholders to enable them make input for the promotion of peace in the partnering organisation for the overall interest of national peace.
Consequent upon the observations CEPRO has made over the years of her existence as well as her active involvement in School Peace work, the Centre has discovered that there is an urgent need for a synergy between CEPRO and corporate organisations in the education sector (be it public or private).
1. To harness the efforts of partnering organization to create a workable synergy for School Peace work.
2. To draw a scheme that will help build a consciousness that will make School Peace become a front burner in all education matters.
3. To conduct an extensive appraisal of Peace labour and Peace Policies for the purpose of making appropriate input into the Strategic Peace Plan currently being developed for Nigerian schools.
4. To assess existing Peace Structure for the purpose of strengthening and making a wide range support available to partnering organization.
he implementation of some of the Projects contained in the Campus Peace Partnership Proposal is on-going in some institutions and the successes being made are very encouraging. However, it has been observed that many educational institutions are yet to access the Projects.